
Entry mihady (hady)
Part of speech active verb
Explanations in Malagasy Mandoaka, mandavaka amin' ny angady: Mihady tany
Mihalempona: Mihady isan-taona ny tokotaninay
Manongotra: Mihady vomanga
Manala, mandoatra avy ao anaty tany: Mihady volamena [1.1]
Explanations in English To dig, to delve; to spread, to increase, or to deepen, as a disease or an ulcer; to go to the very root of the matter. [1.2]
 To dig [1.7]
Explanations in French Creuser, fouiller [1.8]
Examples Teo ankavian' ny vavahadim-bala, nihady sy nanondraka indray izy. [2.472]
Present : mihady
Past : nihady
Future : hihady
Imperative : mihadia

Updated on 2023/08/26